Writing is like therapy for me, it helps when I need it, so
here it goes.
These past six-plus months have been straight up emotional, challenging
and personally transformative. In many ways, the old adage holds true: “What
doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
So let me back up.
Ready To Try
When we were in Hawaii this past October (2016) John and I
had a lot of good times, enjoyed the big race, went on scuba dives, hikes, and had
our share of date nights and cocktails, but in particular one thing came from
the trip that would potentially change our lives forever. We decided we wanted to start trying to get pregnant! Even though we’re
still newlyweds, we’ve been together for a long time and we’re at a point in
our lives where we’re just ready. When you know you know.
So me being me, I got all ready for this baby-making process
by becoming an expert on it and following concepts of the Fertility Awareness
Method (FAM). Actually, I had already been measuring BBT and tracking cycles on
Kindara so that was nothing new. But I started doing everything else from OPKs (to watch for
the LH surge) to timing our sex—all new territory for sure. I also did a lot of
other little things that I felt would help make my body baby-ready—got acupuncture,
gained a little weight (which I’ve discussed here; the changes took some
getting used to but now I really enjoy my body), kept exercise to moderation,
ditched intensity (most the time), ate more carbs*, weaned off coffee, abstained
from alcohol for a month, ramped up the supplements, etc.
*In fall 2016 I logged
on MyFitnessPal for a week just to see what I was eating intuitively these days,
and I was averaging 90-130 grams of carbs most days, and on exercise days usually
eating anywhere from 150 to over 250 grams of carbs a day. I figured that now
trying to conceive I shouldn’t be going chronically less than 130 grams a day even if that
was working fine for maintaining a regular monthly menstrual cycle and normal bodyweight/BMI, hence the increase.
That first month of trying, October, totally messed with my
head. I was obsessed over it… I was excited… I was nervous… I was tripping out
over the idea of getting pregnant… I wanted it really bad… I was over-thinking
every little thing. Looking back I went totally over board and let that ol' control freak take over.
Worst of all, I expected
it to happen just like that. A lot of my friends shared their stories of
getting pregnant on the first try and said "watch out what you wish for!" Then I look and John and I and think, “I’m
the healthiest I’ve ever been, John’s a very healthy dude, we take care of
ourselves, we’re not too uptight or stressed, I’m an expert on healthy living…
not to mention, I’m no longer too lean, not training too hard, and all my tests
show that my hormones and biomarkers kick ass so I should be 100% ready to
build a baby!” (PS studies show that there’s no reason to believe a woman who
had amenorrhea in the past will face infertility as long as her hormones and
cycles are back to normal, which mine have been for years now, thus this has
never been a concern for me).
The First Negative
That first month we did not get pregnant—and it’s not
surprising looking back. I was pretty sad the afternoon I started my period, and
there were tears, but also something else happened: I immediately felt myself
relax and loosen up. Right then I learned a couple huge lessons. 1) I had been so
worked up over how to do everything perfectly for trying to conceive (TTC) that
I forgot the most important thing to just relax and let nature take its course.
I knew I’d never get pregnant if I kept up like this. And of all people, I
should have known better than being in a state of stress like that does not
usually lead to desirable outcomes. And 2) the negative result was also
humbling. You can be the healthiest in the world, but that doesn’t guarantee
anything with getting pregnant, apparently. The more I learn the more I realize
pregnancy is a giant mystery in many ways.
November and December continued to be active months of
trying, but I was working on changing my attitude and approach. December I
especially let go of trying so hard, and poured myself some wine over the
holidays. All the while I was still tracking and timing “stuff” (because at the
end of the day things like timing sex do matter), but I was truly making an
effort to be more relaxed and less obsessed about it. I wasn’t perfect, but I
was managing it better. Here’s the thing: When I set my mind on a new goal it’s
hard for me to just to be casual about it, and if I’m not reaching the goal, I
tend to get even more intense about the effort I put in. But in this case that
had to change, and that’s been part of my transformation…
Finley The Vizsla
As far as TTC goes…
More disappointing outcomes for us in the final months of
The Baby Boom
Meanwhile, a handful of my girlfriends and best friends from
various circles in my personal life were announcing their pregnancies, had recently become pregnant or about to pop. It was crazy. Apparently everyone else was
trying too. I’m sure my age has something to do with it, but still, the
pregnancies seemed way more than normal. In February alone I went to three freakin' baby showers ha!
I started seeing the same thing happen in the triathlon/endurance
world and everywhere else I looked—it felt like every damn day for months someone else was
announcing a pregnancy. There are people even claiming it’s the “year of
babies.” It was a bit overwhelming for me to stomach…
I never expected I’d react this way, but the flood of
announcements started breaking me down emotionally and really fucking with my
head. I wasn’t jealous of anyone, but the situation just made me really sad and
confused. I couldn’t help but compare and wonder—why them and why not us? Of
all times for this to happen, why the hell does this pregnancy boom have to
happen now—right when it’s become a very sensitive subject in my life?! These
mom- and dads-to-be are feeling the most happiness ever while I’m over here crying
at the start of my period and feeling like a failure.
Pity party. I know. I’m not saying I’m proud of it… I’m just
telling the truth. I'm sure many women can relate.
Thankfully I got over that shit with time; it was making me
bitter, anti-social and even more resentful at social media, which I didn’t like. Meanwhile, the baby boom is still
going strong. No matter where I look it’s “baby this,” “baby that.” Baby bumps
galore. To this day I’m seeing new announcements once a week or more on
average. But now, I react with laughter. Literally. Whenever I see or hear of a new
gal who’s knocked up, I laugh to myself and say, “Of course she’s pregnant!” (And
then I remind myself that I have a pretty good life and the freedom to do lots of
things pregnant women can’t do.)
Let me also say, I am certainly not ignorant to the fact
that there are, no doubt, plenty of women like me out there right now who so
badly want to get pregnant but aren’t, month after month, and these women probably
also have a hard time hearing about all the baby talk from their friends and
social connections… We’re more of a silent group; when you’re going through it
it’s harder to talk about it publically. Personally, I never knew it would be
so hard to talk openly about trying to get pregnant. I consider myself an open
book these days, but this is tough stuff and it even took me months to build
the courage to write this blog post. So to all you women TTC and having a hard
time, my heart is right there with you.
Now Into 2017
January… February… March…
Half a year of trying.
Not pregnant.
Gradually, it’s gotten back to life as usual, I
definitely think about it less, and am doing way less. I’m not so emotional about it. When I look at
my friends and acquaintances who are pregnant I don’t get a lump in my throat
anymore. At some point you realize you just have to live your life, be in the
moment each day, be grateful for what you DO have, don’t fret over the things
you DON’T have, and not be obsessed over that which you cannot control. Oh, and
let go of all expectations.
And, hey, after all it's only been six rounds so far. It certainly feels like forever, but in reality it's not that long to be trying!
And, hey, after all it's only been six rounds so far. It certainly feels like forever, but in reality it's not that long to be trying!
However, the one time of month that sucks no matter what is
when I start my period. Aunt Flow (AF) now comes with a different type of emotional
response (i.e. not PMS)—and it’s when I get all choked up. I can tell when AF is coming days before, and for those few days, it’s just a hard time of
month for me.
I’ve also let up on how much I was doing to TTC. I’m not trying
to be perfect during the two-week wait anymore (if I workout a bit harder or
have some wine, so be it). I'm not trying to "hack" this one. Less is more. Keep it real. Until I see a positive pregnancy test with my own
two eyes I have to live life normally, not cautiously thinking “what if.” I
still keep up with a few things I find valuable—mostly things I’d be going even if we
weren’t TTC—such as acupuncture, taking certain supplements, using Kindara,
clean eating, etc.
Meanwhile, I’ve gradually been putting in more effort on
myself in other ways and have searched for underlying stress that could be
plaguing me (more on that below). The transformation has been real!
What About My Guy?
We did get John’s sperm tested because every expert with
whom I speak always says, “Keep in mind it’s 50% the guy when it comes to
getting pregnant, not just the girl.”
The results show his “stuff” was about average and/or
potentially borderline low in one or two areas depending on whom you ask (the
standards for what constitutes good, healthy sperm are somewhat vague and
inconsistent in what we researched and resources we were given). So what we
know is that John’s stuff could be better, but it’s certainly not problematic
at a clinical level and nowhere near infertile. (PS - John gave me permission
to disclose this tidbit).
Given his results, we built out a plan to aid in his fertility
and he was very willing and open-minded to it despite not being the type of guy who likes
supplements and health plans (go figure). It’s funny because we've each had to take a somewhat opposite approach in this: I relax more; he puts in a bit more effort. I’m very proud of
the man he is, the efforts he’s making and most of all how he’s been incredibly
relaxed about the whole process. He sets a good example around here.
So at the end of the day, thankfully there’s zero reason at
this point to believe that he or I are infertile in any way, which means we’ll
just keep on trying and this a practice in patience. If I find the need or desire to do
more testing and investigating down the line, then we’ll discuss it, but again, it still has
only been six months of trying, which is not that long all things considered!
Love & Life
Meanwhile, all this has brought John and I closer together
(not just talking all the sex we get to have, which of course is another big
bonus lol). We’re taking more time as a couple, having fun date nights and little
adventures (Finley’s always included too) and we’re in a great groove. I’ve
never felt so in love with my man.
A good friend and mentor told me about her efforts on trying
to get pregnant (it’s not been easy for her either), “Truly, I live an amazing
life, and am wanting for nothing. So I
give thanks for that daily, and trust that the rest will fall into place for
reasons that I may never understand the details of!”
This spoke to me. I couldn’t ask for a better life with
John. Wanting a baby is just that: Want. It’s not about needing one. We
don’t need a baby. Once you understand that it really puts things in
perspective and I’ve learned to not let myself take for granted the good things
that are happening right now.
Uncovering and
Eliminating More Underlying Stress
I knew I was stressed in the beginning, but over time I know in my heart of hearts I’m not like that about it anymore! It really is life as usual for the most part. I really don't feel stressed. HRV is fine (if I get around to measuring). My body feels healthy and robust. I feel like I've learned to handle this pretty well. So I've despised it and still despise it every
time someone says, “Oh you just need to relax and it’ll happen.” I’ll admit to having
stress when it’s clear I have stress—I’m not ashamed—so how could there be
stress and lack of relaxation if I really truly don’t think that’s the case? Even John is amazed at how chill I've become—a lot of it thanks to him and his naturally chill demeanor.
But maybe there was something I was missing? I was willing to dig deep and figure it out. And actually, I discovered
My work. Being self-employed.
Therein lies the hidden underlying stress.
So I had the chance to do something about it, and long story
short: I’ve temporarily and purposefully cut back on work despite that being a
terrifying concept in my world. Turns out this is something I’ve needed for a
while but was too scared to ever do. Thank goodness I have the support of my
amazing husband in this.
The longer version:
For a while I’ve been having some feeling like work was taking a bigger toll on me and that perhaps I was starting to experience
burnout, but then I’d have a bunch of shit to do so I’d have to ignore it. I
was also confused because I love what I do so damn much—how could I be burnt
What it comes down to is being self-employed and fearing a
plateau or decline. When you’re self-employed it can be intense and stressful
in different ways than a traditional job. I put a ton of pressure on myself that
I always need to be growing, building, expanding, making more money, figuring
out new ways to stay fresh and relevant, and that each month and each year
needs to be better than the last. Granted, it’s not so bad that I’m back to
being frazzled and dealing with work-stress insomnia like I have year’s past.
These days I certainly take better take care of myself, I know when to say NO,
and I don’t get completely overwhelmed at my workload (getting organized has
helped a ton). But even if I’m mindful of my wellbeing and time management, I’m
always of the mindset that as a small business owner I need to do better each
year, make enough money to cover all my costs and still have enough save, invest in my future, pay for health insurance, be on top of my game as an expert in the field (thus find extra time to do research and continuing education), and so on—while god-forbid I stay status
quo, plateau or experience a decrease in business; that would make this Type A
gal an anxious mess. I discovered that this mindset has been a huge
source of underlying stress.
So I pondered, “What if I challenged myself to cut back on
work, live a bit more simply, be a bit more of a hermit, and see what happens?”
The timing seemed right given the main subject of this blog post you're reading.
The idea of a sabbatical also floated around for a bit, but the more I thought
about that the more it didn’t seem realistic, desirable or necessary for
several reasons. So instead, we decided (John of course has been very much
involved in this) that I’d cut back on work for a month or so. Of course, I’d
keep all my current full-time coaching clients and the regular work I
do for them, but not take on anyone new, and cut back in other areas, e.g.
podcast once a week instead of twice, scheduling fewer consults per day,
blocking off certain days of the week as “personal development” days and so on.
Last year I decided to do more consulting and less full-time coaching (thus I
scaled back on how many full-timers I accepted) so that actually made this
shift in workload easy.
Once I pulled the trigger I immediately felt the difference.
Holy shit did I need this extra room to unwind a bit, reconnect with my whole
self and feel the work pressure lift away. For once it’s ok that I’m not
striving for more or worrying about how much money is in my accounts. I can’t
emphasize enough that this would not have been possible without my John, he’s
simply incredible and couldn’t be more supportive.
By now, you probably know as well as I do that I can be a serious
put-your-head-down-and-do-the-work kind of person and have unwavering
commitment to my schedule, work and goals; I take things like health, wellness,
performance very seriously—my own and that of my clients—all to the point where
sometimes I get so wrapped up in the work and chasing optimal, that I forget to
lighten up and realize I’m just human; we’re all just human. So this transition/break has allowed me the opportunity to be more of the carefree person that lives within me (thankfully she's alive and well); to
spend my days moving at a slower pace and take more of a ultra-chill happy-go-lucky approach; to laugh off shit that happens rather than turn on the “flight or fight” mode.
This little self-discovery project has also taught me to
truly live in the moment and not get worked up over what the future may hold;
to find some space and just be comfortable with “what is;” to be more process
oriented than outcome oriented. I’m good at that mindset when I’m on vacation
or out backpacking, but I’ve had to learn how to be this way at home during
regular day-to-day life.
“When we practice ‘being
here’ during less stressful times, we'll be more equipped to respond mindfully
when dealing with strong obsessions.” – Tara Brach
So That’s Where TTC
Has Led Me…
It’s funny how this journey has taken me down paths that I
never expected. I’ve realized that in life, no matter what it’s been, nothing
has ever come easy to me; I feel like I’ve always had to work a bit harder, go through some shit and overcome tough times, and go a step further to peel back layers and discover
more. If I had gotten pregnant the first try none of these good things would
have happened, and I wouldn’t have learned these lessons or have taken the time
to explore more on how I want to live my life. So maybe we didn’t “get lucky”
and conceive on the first or second try like so many I know, but in a way I
feel just as lucky if not luckier on this journey because it’s making me a
better person, making my husband a better person, it’s making our relationship
and love for each other better than ever … and it’s making me more
compassionate to all those out there who face tough times—whatever their
definition of “tough times” may be; it doesn’t matter, it’s all relative.
So that’s it for now! I wish I could say this post was
ending on a happier note and something like, “Surprise, we’re finally
pregnant,” but I’m not. We’re not pregnant. Who knows what’ll happen.
Someone asked me if I’m worried about that yet, i.e. what
will happen, and the honest truth is no, I’m not worried about it. I’m really
not. Have I worried about different variables as it relates to getting
pregnant? Yes. But I’ve let go of that. Overall I have no worries about the
future. There is only the now to focus on—and enjoy the hell out of my little
family and this life we have built.
~~~ BONUS ~~~
Helping My Hormones
Last tidbit because it's relevant and may also be helpful
to other women out there if they’re experiencing something similar; it's when all the tracking and investigating pays off. Just please do me a favor and work with
a practitioner when starting any new supplements or health plan.
Backing up a bit to those early months of trying (last fall)…
I did discover that my hormones potentially could use some balancing. My cycles
were regular but there were little things that were “off,” all of which I
discovered thanks to the tracking I’ve done on Kindara dating back to 2015. Before
we were TTC and even the first couple months of TTC, I saw that I had been ovulating
relatively late in my cycle and having short-ish luteal phases, as well as
inconsistent cycle lengths during a lot of last year (I’d cycle every month,
but it’d bounce around a lot). I also have suffered from PMDD for over a year, which is not normal! (And yes, I’ve tried managing diet and carbs to alleviate the
symptoms, which is another topic for another day.) I wondered if the short luteal phases were due to not enough progesterone sticking around and if this was causing a luteal phase defect that can have a negative effect on getting pregnant.
To fix things, I decided to start on vitex back in early December
(specifically I’m taking Chastetree Berry Extract by Vitanica) and this had an immediate beneficial effect. Within a
month, I started ovulating at a normal time (Day 14), luteal phases improved to
13-14 days and cycles stayed consistently 27-29 days. It’s been like that
Meanwhile, I consulted with my amazing functional practitioner/fertility expert, Brie,
about my health, hormones and fertility in general, she eased a lot of worries and gave some great insight and thoughts. In particular, I asked about the idea of taking progesterone just to see if that would help and we decided it
wasn’t absolutely necessary (my progesterone looked fine on my most recent
DUTCH) but she also said it wouldn’t hurt trying it. So I’ve been on sublingual
progesterone the past two cycles—haven’t really noticed a difference nor did it
magically lead to a pregnancy; not that I was expecting that. (Note: do not
start taking progesterone on your own, please only do so under the guidance of
a qualified practitioner.)
All this work I’ve done to aid my fertility—from the
acupuncture and herbs to vitex and lifestyle—has greatly relieved my PMDD
symptoms, to the point where I don’t have to hide away that time of month, lol.
So that’s a bonus!
You amaze me. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteGlad that you feel comfortable sharing this kind of stuff. It isn't easy to deal with, let alone talk about, and sometimes feels almost taboo. My wife was religious about her BBT and had similar hardships preparing her body for pregnancy after years as a competitive athlete. Throughout all of the different things we tried, or read about, or experimented with, the one factor that stood out to us above all else was "position change". The shape of my wife's cervix made it so that certain positions ended up being more "successful", if you will, than others (according to our data, in retrospect). Once we came across that as a theory (no pun intended), we started switching things up more than usual and it led to success (currently on 3rd pregnancy).
ReplyDeleteKeep up the hard-work!
I love it - sounds like some fun advice, thank you! Congrats to you guys on three lovely babies :)
Deletereading that long post about trying to get pregnant, I have only one piece of advice. You are taking this far too serious and scientific. Women fall pregnant in the most bizarre circumstances. Drug addicts have babies and they do not lead healthy lifestyles. I tried for years with my ex-wife plus multiple ivF cycles. Then I get divorced, meet somebody else and six month later she is pregnant . My boy is three now. So relax, ditch all these tests, gimmicks, etc. It will happen naturally. You cannot influence it. Full stop.
ReplyDeleteI long term podcast listener.
I agree, and that's sort of the point of my blog - at first, I was being too serious about it and too tied up in trying to influence the outcome without just letting nature take its course. So I've completely let go of all that. I'm in a great place and have learned a lot. I'm not doing tests or tied up in gimmicks. I'm not trying to be perfect. I thought that came across pretty clearly. Also, did you read the line where I said I despise it when people tell me to relax? Lol ;P
DeleteThanks for reading though, and I'm very happy you've have a beautiful boy.
Hey Tawnee- Peter Coffey here - long time fan of your podcast and endurance athlete. Very brave and awesome of you to share this with us!! Reading this is was like reading a transcript of my wife and I .. I commented on a previous blog of yours mentioning that your immune system and the challenges you might face getting pregnant.. A woman's immune system is so powerful that it can actually attack and kill the newly formed embryo before it has the chance to reprogram the cells around it to protect it. It has to do with the dilution of be human gene pool to a point where there may be a similar DQ match between your and Johns DNA and your josh perceives the new cell as mostly similar but slightly different (and t thinks defect mutant cell who's self destruct didn't work) and it flares into kill mode ... Our doctor is Robert Kiltz out of Syracuse NY if you want to just look at the work he's doing with immune patients and his belief the role the immune system can play in this... Anyway ... Sorry so long .. I'm incredibly interested on the subject and learned more than I ever cared to...
ReplyDeleteBest of luck and sincere well wishes!! Text me or email or call if you want to hear more
Peter Coffey
Thanks Peter! I'm guessing you're mostly referring to the autoimmune condition I went through last year. No doubt the issue of autoimmunity and pregnancy crossed my mind back then and has again now as we're actually trying. I've read up on what you're talking about but only the basics - you clearly are much more of an expert and I appreciate the insight! I've asked my functional doctors about all this, and no one seems to think this is a factor with me, but who knows! I did a great job at putting my AI condition into remission last year and nothing has returned/no flare-ups, but I'm also very aware that doesn't mean it disappeared for good. Thankfully I've read promising research that women who've had/have AI can get pregnant and have healthy babies - it's just not always easy to get pregnant for the reasons you're saying. Anyway, we're going to give it more time to just see what happens casually, but if I ever feel the need to investigate more or think this is an issue, I'll reach out and not ignore this component! Thanks for listening to EP, we're lucky to have you as a fan :)
DeleteTawnee...my heart just aches for you. I perceive you so differently than you perceive you :) I see so much perfection in you that I myself lack....deep sigh. But that being said, I have that similar Type A personality. I felt like I was not maternal at all so I got my first puppy, Rusty the Lab - John probably remembers him - just so I could be sure that I'd wake up in the middle of night if the pup was "crying". Ha! Well when I went off birth control, I was 35, healthy, happy...ready to roll. It took me 6 months to get pregnant AND never have I been so freaked out. So I totally relate. I thought for sure something was wrong with me - felt like a failure - thought I was too old and yes! friggin' EVERYONE around me was having babies! But I was visiting family & one of our friends was a seasoned OB-GYN & he pulled me aside and asked how much we were having sex. It was a lot at that point because I was near panicked. So the advice he gave me was slow down, not so much as it wasn't allowing the hubby at the time to recover apparently, he also told us like above post to change up positions and finally because I was (and still am I guess) wound tight about my career - he said go on vacation...a real one, far away, just the two of us. Off to Cozumel we went....and there you have it, I got pregnant with Cam. Hugs to you - totally feel you...it will happen for you and if it doesn't, you will figure something else out - you always do <3
ReplyDeleteJess, you are such a good friend and thank you for opening up about your pregnancy story. I know we're similar Type A'ers so hearing your process helps. It's so funny hooooooow many people say the ol' vacation trick actually works. Lately I feel like I've done a damn good job and literally bringing the vacation vibes back home to Laguna lol, but we made want to try venturing out too -- and actually we have some ideas brewing already ;) xo
DeleteWe need to catch up! You are my twin. Well, in some ways, a lot of ways. ALWAYS here for you. and I' m not pregnant. So you can vent to me. LOL!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing this post. I have been following you and the podcast for several years. And, I can say I've made many life changes as a result. The podcast helped me realize the connection between what I eat and how I feel and I have cut way back on processed carbs. The podcast inspired me to hire a coach and I picked one that uses MAF.
I have also been struggling to get pregnant - it's now been about one year and four months. But, it only took a few months for me to get really demoralized about it, so I totally get that you are feeling low even though it's "only" been 6 months. Each month that we got a negative test, I would try something new - acupuncture, vitamin b6, evening primrose oil, etc. (I was too nervous to try Vitex.) I gave up gluten, dairy, and alcohol for three months and saw no changes in my cycles at all (I also have a short luteal phase), nor did I feel any better. Then I started to feel stressed and unhappy about how careful I had to be around food and at social events with no evidence that any of it was making a difference. My husband and I finally got thoroughly tested last fall and everything they can test for looks ideal. My age is not great (we got married when I was 36, started trying shortly after, and now I'm 38), but late thirties is not exactly terrible. I mean, Mary Beth Ellis clearly had no problem conceiving at age 39! We are working with a fertility clinic and after three rounds of failed IUI + Clomid, we are about to start IVF (something I never thought I would do.) I felt such unbelievable shame that I wasn't able to solve this problem with diet, lifestyle, and vitamin supplements. But after nine months of trying, I felt like not pursuing more aggressive options was just wasting valuable time. The question I asked myself was "Is it more important that I pursue TTC in a health-based, holistic, non-western medicine manner or that I get pregnant and become a parent?" When put that way, my choice was easy.
I will confess that I had to unsubscribe from the podcast because it triggered the shame I felt every time I would listen. I know you did not have bad intentions, but when you interviewed Matt Bach on the episode where he announced his wife was pregnant, you said something like "See, sometimes all it takes is going on a vacation!" That was the day I decided Endurance Planet was causing me too much negative stress to make up for any positives. But, I've always appreciated your openness and I've really missed the podcast, so maybe I'm ready to listen again.
And, agree that writing is therapy. :) Since I've cut way back on training and have had a bit more free time, I signed up for a personal memoir writing class. And, I started a private blog to keep my close friends updated with what's going on. And therapy is therapy too, which I've also been doing. I'm sure you know this, but depression rates for struggling with infertility are comparable to those of people struggling with cancer. It never hurts to do whatever you can to keep your mind in a healthy spot.
I really hope this happens for you guys soon! I'm thinking of you!
Man, I would love to meet you and talk more. You should email me privately. I'm sorry you're struggling too. I appreciate your comment soooo much and it's great to hear your perspective. Much love and BEST wishes to you and your husband. PS - When I interviewed Matt bach back then, that was before I we were going through any of this; before it was such a personal sensitive subject. I guarantee I would say something different now. Either way, I totally understand why you unsubscribed from EP and it makes perfect sense to me. I've stopped listening to a lot of podcasts too mostly just to have a break from needing to be so up to date on every little thing and instead just focus on our lives. xoxo
DeleteHi Tawnee! Thank you for your response! I will definitely email you. That's what I would have preferred over an anonymous blog comment, but I couldn't find an email address. Should I use the admin endurance planet one?
ReplyDelete~ E
do tprazak@coachtawnee.com :)