Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wasting Time Online

My motivation to work out this week is slowly decreasing. Acceptable and expected, given it's Christmas! Things started off well, but now I don't want to do much activity that requires a HR above the 130s (aka nothing above my Zone 1), and I think my body is on board for that. Yesterday I ran 6 miles at the slowest pace I've run in a while. Maybe it's because I spent the previous night country-line dancing for hours, which is quite a workout, especially in boots with heels (foreign footwear to me). I might slip into the pool and weight room today, or I might bake, we'll see. Both perhaps?

I've been trying to get some work done too, but since that's all based around the computer, I inevitably get caught up wasting time on those websites: FB, blogs, twitter, YouTube, even email convos...

Here's one festive video on YouTube that I gave me a good laugh... the best part is the last minute when they go through all 12 videos (remember Chocolate Rain?! hahahaha)

Happy holidays! Hope everyone enjoys this week whether that means being a bum workout-wise, indulging in holiday goodies, swimming massive amounts like Charisa or a combo of all that.

1 comment:

  1. NBC tries, but they definitely fall short when it comes to AG coverage. I like the pro's race, but I really like the AG stories. It would be great if they could expand the coverage into two hours and spend the extra time on the AG's.
